Our Divine Human Blueprint

Channelings Sirius - Star Guides - how to work with the energies now and the current conflict (Full)

February 28, 2022 Lucy - Infinity Resonance Season 12 Episode 2
Our Divine Human Blueprint
Channelings Sirius - Star Guides - how to work with the energies now and the current conflict (Full)
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

 Several Channelings from different speakers all focused on the shifts happening now  - Collective Consciousness, Planetary Evolution, Energetic Activations - how they connect to the current war energies and how we can work with that.

How we can process our responses to the war situation and use it to support healing and change.

As love remembers how to physically relate to itself in a loving way, not thinking 'i am loving' or knowing 'i am loving' but physically vibrating with more of love in our relating to reach other, so our inner conflicts are pushed to the surface for healing. And this manifests in our world as war, for example. But as with all things, when we focus within and take ownership for processing what arises in response to conflict, so we heal ourselves and play our part in healing the global situation.
The vibratory resonance activating in our energy fields and in our awareness at the moment, is how divine love relates to itself - how love relates to love. And we're  deeply remembering - in a vibratory way - how it feels to relate as loving consciousness.
Our cries against conflict are healing the trauma inherited from our shared racial memories, from our familial inherited genetics, from our spiritual lineages and from our current lifetimes. 
In this Channeling, the guides from Sirius start by talking about activations in our Divine Blueprint happening now and how the collective ascension in consciousness, planetary evolution and the outbreak of war are connected. As well as how we can work with the energies. 
There is a dimensional reality opening up in our energetic fields that supports us to physically re-experience loving relationship and less of separation in our physical environment. It's happening at an elemental level, changing us from within in a way we mighty not be conscious of, but will be being affected by. Ending our story of separation by degrees in our energy fields, in our consciousness and in our conscious and unconscious awareness. 
With each new activation, the old comes to the surface for healing. The new vibrations are what can heal the old ones, but it's up to us to align with them. And that's challenging when dissonance is what manifests in our experience. When we're living old pains and old stories. They become the more real for us. So turning within to anchor into that place of inner peace and stillness, where we are reading 'God Consciousness' as it translates itself within us, taking our direction from within, rather than looking to be guided by what's going on around us - this helps us slow our footsteps down and walk through the chaos to safety.

There are regular online sittings for helping us drop into that place of peace and safety and to open to the magic that can be generated when we do.
If you'd like to be part of the online Sittings - guided journeys for Aligning within and being moved to act in Alignment with our inner guidance - get in touch 

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Blueprint work is for aligning with the Self beyond the stories. This helps us shift our perspective, our state & rewrite the story of ourselves, by aligning with our highest truth. It connects us with our intuition, guidance, gifts & unconditionally loving support. Owning our sovereignty as master cocreator of our own reality. These transmissions are encoded with frequencies for activating our inner oracle. For living humanly as divine multidimensional beings we are. 

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00:00 - (Channeled Message from The Sirius Guides)

Beloveds, welcome. Thank you for joining us. We are bringing messages now on the current situation from a variety of focal points, so you can have differing perspectives on what might be happening for human consciousness now.


So there is at the moment the movement into a dynamic, structured reality relationship, with the earth elementals, taking place within your fields of consciousness. Opening up new dimensions within your energetic fields; dimensions that have been closed, shut off from you, shut down in your DNA encodements, defunct, shall we say, in your human blueprint, since the times of ancient Egypt. 


Specific times, when you lost conscious connection with, through choice, in order to protect yourselves from, your earthly environment, which at that time was increasingly recognised as a vehicle for hostility to be visited upon your earthly manifestations. You bodily experienced yourselves as vulnerable in a way that directly conflicted with your innate understanding and expectation of harmony in your physical realities. Many of you were masters at this time, supporting this work to take place. This has been difficult for some of you to reconcile. 


As, eons later, you find yourselves now suffering as a result of the protective measures you put in place so very long ago. However, what has changed is the consensus direction of consciousness, of human, collective consciousness, as it turns to face its own homecoming to Source, to Wholeness. Re-establishing within its awareness, and so within its energetic fields those structures that support cohesiveness; cohesion with earthly life, cohesion with other human beings, cohesion in relationship within the physical universe. 


Dimensions of physical experience that were closed down within your collective human blueprint are now reopening the harmonics within your divine, ever evolving human blueprint - beginning to sound their harmony and their harmonious song through the field of collective human consciousness. 

05:32 - Lucy speaking as herself

I just want to make an aside here and say, where we’re working energetically, it’s beautiful when we witness a dimension unfolding in the energy field. It’s almost like, if you can ‘see’ things multidimensionally, or imagine a multidimensional energy cell and that person in the centre of that cell. And it’s almost as though, like a flat pancake opens up, rotates through several degrees, still as a flat kind of pancake and then begins to open up as an entire plane of reality, that settles in all directions as a cellular shape within that person’s field. 


So it goes from being compressed utterly to a point, a kind of singularity, where its ‘sleeping’, opening up into what looks like a line, when it’s perceived, which then revolves and rotates into right position and opens up to then be a seamless and perfectly integrated part of that person’s energetic field. 

Ok, that’s my interjection there. 

06:40 - Sirius Guides

Yes and we would say this is a good understanding of how the process works. Something which is inherent as a potential within the human consciousness, exists as an inherent potential within the human blueprint. While it is ‘sleeping’ is compressed, if you like, into a point of singularity, so it exists there as a potential but is not present, part of that being’s complete experience of themselves, of Life, of reality. It’s not part of their perception, their multi-dimensional, multi-sensory, expanded perception.


It’s one of those examples of something you do not realise it’s missing until it returns and yet a sense of something missing will persist in that person’s experience. It’s like remembering something you have long forgotten. And of course this is an idea you can perhaps more easily relate to, that many of your epiphanies and realisations and ascension experiences as part of your personal, evolutional journeys come to you with the sensation of remembering something long forgotten. 


That can be a vibratory knowing when you are told something or shown something, or your consciousness re-presents an awareness within your experience that you re-immerse yourself in, bringing with it a sense of knowingness that is like a vibratory knowingness - a resonant, vibratory knowingness of ‘oh yes, of course this is so, how could I forget?’


And so it is with these dimensional openings taking place within your fields at this time. It brings, shall we say, an extra dimension to your experience of reality. Some of you have been called to sit very consciously with this dimensional opening, so that others can much more easily integrate and embody it without needing to have awareness, as such. 


This is efficiency at work. It really is not necessary for every single one of you to be conscious of everything that all of the others are becoming conscious of. This would be a grand inefficiency and would make a mockery of the principle in effect at this time; that you are all part of a connected field of consciousness, exchanging and interchanging information in a way very well reflected by your use of your online digital currency of information. 

10:38 (Lucy Channeling her Higher Self) “Energy And Attention - how yours affects the war”

What is most precious, most valuable, most to be guarded, honoured and protected at this time, is your attention: the focus, the individual and the collective foci of your attention. For this is like hard currency in consciousness, where your attention is, so will activities be happening. And those activities depend upon the state - of your consciousness; of your energy, when you bring your attention to something. When you bring your attention to a focus in an activity in consciousness - anything that is happening anywhere you choose to place your attention - you will affect it.


So what are the energies you are running when you bring your attention to, for example, the outburst of war in your world. For that will be affecting that activity and for those of you who have any kind of consciousness in how you bring attention and the state you are in when you  bring attention to a focus in an activity happening in your world, have a greater responsibility than many, many others who do not have this awareness and for whom it is not appropriate to have this awareness.


For they have and everybody has their own appointed place within this picture. If yours happens to be - if you have chosen to be aware of how you are using your energy, your intention, your consciousness and where you are bringing the focus of your conscious attention, then you have, at this time, we would suggest, a responsibility to work as you have learnt to work; by healing and clearing and lifting and harmonising your internal energetics, your energetic state, your state of consciousness, the vibratory actions taking place in your field. 

13:30 - “As within, so without - heal yourselves and you help the war”

We would say, by working on yourselves, owning and facing and allowing for the transformation of the responses and reactions that arise within you when you bring attention to the activity of war in your world, you lift and heal and clear the effect you will have when you continue to bring your attention to this activity of conflict in your world.  

For this is a chance to resolve the conflict within you. This is happening so that you CAN collectively heal the stored trauma of past wars and it will endure as long as that healing need is present and necessary in the collective.

14:33 (New Guides Speaking)

As you heal and clear yourselves, so the need to maintain the manifestation of conflict as a trigger that enables you to do so, so the need for this lifts and lessens. As with all such matters, the more those of you who are working this way own and take response-ability for healing the conflict within you, you are the supporting the resolution of conflict that is externalised in your world. 

15:09 -  “Resolving conflict lifts consciousness to make it ready for new-earth technologies”

This year will see the resolution of much conflict in individual platforms that will enable new heights of liberated creativity to resonate at the frequency that welcomes in and will support the practical, logistical schematics of innovations that have been a long time waiting, shall we say, in the wings, for the climate of human consciousness to reach the right temperature - will support these innovations to integrate into human consciousness in a way that can be anchored and grounded and efficiently and effectively be acted upon.


There is not that much ground work that still needs to occur, before the innovations that support human consciousness living in a higher degree of symbiosis within its planetary framework can be delivered, can be fully integrated, can become your foundational support and life support systems. Your foundational support and life support systems are more than ready to undergo this change.


But it is you yourselves that must change in order that they can be integrated, that how you heat, house and clothe and feed yourselves can come into the higher harmonious alignment that reflects your ever flowering, your ever deepening remembrance of yourselves as organisms in a dance of interconnectivity, in a state of interconnectivity, within your planet, within your solar system, within the universe, within the cosmos, within All That Is. There is nowhere where you are not potentially able to live, exist, interact and be in relationship to a higher degree of harmony.

18:06 “Relationships - how love relates to itself”

And it is of relationship we wish to speak. This year, in the numerics, you are - the numerics of the 2 into the zero, back into the 2 - the 22. 2 into 0 into 22 - you are looking at the simple mathematics of polarised relativity (the 2) moving into the zero, which is the nothingness, which is also the everythingness, which is the zero point, where the reset happens, back out into divine, unconditionally loving relativity. How love relates to itself in a divine way. So just a little capsule on the numerology of the 2 into zero into 22. 

19:29 “Two-Earths - All are moving into Oneness Awareness”

There is of course, a duality present, for the 22 speaks of loving relationship in two currently co-existing paradigms within the planet. For there is the old paradigm and the new paradigm - the old earth and the new earth, currently co-existing within the planet. All regardless of which paradigm within which they are anchored, and that anchoring was made effective in the year 2020 - All are travelling towards Source, towards Home, towards the homecoming of oneness awareness. 


You are all travelling in the same direction. The only difference is how you get there. And there are several billion different ways to travel, even when you are travelling in the same direction and the planetary consciousness is supporting your ascension split into two major paradigms with a third, transitional ‘bridge’ paradigm, that’s evolved in response to this two-world divide, which is not really a divide, but can be seen as such. Is supporting her own ascension and the ascension of all of you, even though there is this two-world split.

But the point we wish to make is that you are all ascending, you are all travelling in one direction. You are all going home. And we wish to call to those of who are to be anchored in the new earth paradigm, the New World paradigm who have yet to lift your foot out of the old world


 â€œTwo Earths - a Call those bridging realities”

21:39 (Lucy Speaking as herself)

who turn to the more difficult movements and experiences of your brothers and sisters there in an effort to rescue them from what is essentially a sacred choice that has been made by them at a soul level, to continue their ascension path within a certain paradigm that is appropriate to their soul cycle and its growth at this time. 


It is this refusal to lift up your leg and plant both feet firmly in the paradigm for which you are to be aligned, that is supporting the generation of externalised conflict in your reality. For there is a sense among lightworkers at the moment that fighting must happen. And although many of you are dropping out of this energy of conflict, fighting is now really happening, to enable more of those who have not let go of this vibratory activity of bringing light into the darkness by fighting the dark, to enable you to see with greater clarity, to reveal to you the mirroring of the activity in consciousness that reflects that conflict of any kind generates duality and separation: the cause of all the suffering which you are fighting to end. Do you see the cycle inherent in the explication there?


So just to realign because we’re touching on things that are obviously very intense and I’m just letting myself drop a little deeper in, letting those vibrations of what is triggered in me settle, letting go
and let those words flow again. I suggest doing the same and letting anything that’s moving, that’s triggered, vibrate in the field, before we rush to make conclusions about anything that’s being said, or get confirmed in our responses to this transmission. Ok.

25:23 (the guides resume) “Two Earths and The beauty of your compassion”

“How to transition to New Earth and Let Go of rescuing others while still supporting them.”

Yes, beloveds. It is not an admonition. It is said with care and compassion, for it is the most compassionate response to look at another’s suffering and wish for it to end. One of the most natural, beautiful and normal behaviours in human consciousness. It is a normal pattern and something to be celebrated. And so, no, there is no admonition here. 

There is also an understanding of what comes with the New World, Old World, New Earth, Old Earth divide, that while you are all aligned in different realities, different paradigms, so too are you all travelling in the same direction. What we wish to bring is reassurance.


That even though, when you cast your gaze in certain directions, things may appear bleak for some of your brethren, the world has not gone wrong. Ascension is not lost. There are, however, genuine calls on your compassion. For you to have compassionate responses to whatever it is you see. And in allowing your compassion to guide your responses, to guide your actions, your reactions and your past will be healed. This will liberate those of you transitioning from old world, not ready to put both feet down in new world, for fear that you are abandoning your beloveds to more of pain than needs to be experienced.


Compassion is the modality in totality that will heal you, support those you wish to support and allow a smoother transition into the new earth, for which you are being aligned. And have been configured. And a resolution of the internal conflict, some of which is giving rise to the need for external conflict. For what is external is manifested from what is moving internally. 

28:30 (Sirius and star Guides) “How harmonic resonance triggers dissonance to rise up so it can be dealt with”

On this point we would like to say that when a new level of harmony, interconnectedness and unconditional love resonates through the fields of human collective consciousness, as it does in this year of 2022 - this year of twos -  in the area of divine relationality - somebody coined that word and it’s beautiful. What arises when harmony is resonentially present as a vibratory action changing the state in the collective fields of human consciousness, activating new dimensions of earth and elemental awareness of interelativity - what arises is the past, that’s still stuck. Those old traumas and dissonances that have yet to be healed from the collective field.


You are stil,l as a consciousness, only recently moved through the previous world wars and there are wars all over your world running that energy of trauma and conflict, of those old, ancient, dinosauric stories (that is a little unfair to the dinosaurs, we feel there) - those ancient stories of hacking one another to bits in an effort to make each other not be happening as you try to defend what’s yours from those who are going to try to take it from you.  

39:34 “Remembering Unity and Symbiosis as a Resonance in our Animal Bodies Now”

One of the deepest truths that’s being remembered as a vibratory state within the collective field of consciousness is your human animal body relationship as an organism within the earth. Watching the calf graze with the mama cow, watching the horses, the goats, the animals, when left to their own devices in the fields, eat when they need to eat, rest when they need to rest, take what’s for them from where it’s found. Relax into their body symbiosis with each other and within their landscape and physical environment. 

31:39 (Star Guides)

There are vibratory resonances of deep remembering being reactivated in your blueprints at this time, of what it’s like as a vibratory state to rest there. It is only ever other human beings that come and take the food from the mouths of another, that take land and space and home away from each other, that make food and shelter conditional. And while it will take - good grief - we don’t want to say millenia (my interjection) for you to sort out your socio-political structures to reflect this, deep down within your fields is a vibratory resonance of remembering, of what it felt like to have this direct relationship with your mother planet. Body to body. Your body within her body. Fed, nurtured. All its needs met before they arose. Before you even had them. 


This is the remembering vibrating in your collective fields of consciousness now. Calling you to be present at some level with the you who resides in your body and simultaneously as one deep within the earth. For these are where the resonances of remembering are originating from, bringing that information into your fields, activating those codes of awareness within your DNA. The DNA of consciousness, your human blueprints, the encodements therein. 

33:47 “Using intense situations to process collective trauma - with the help of divine intervention - means we don’t all have to process every last item in our own personal fields”

And for all those parts of you that have unhealed traumas and resistance arising from not being permitted to live in this deep truth of unconditionality when it comes to being fed and nurtured as a body within a planetary body, you don’t have to face all these. They won’t all rise up and manifest. There is such divine intervention at these times that you do not have to individually process every unhealed trauma. Collectively you are using certain situations to intensively process group trauma from the field - field trauma. 

34:53 “How to work with the energies of war for personal and collective healing”

And your pathway through this, is to own your own responses as responses; sovereign responses, allowing them to vibrate in your field as they are, meeting your compassionate reactions to war as the loving observer. Meeting your grief and your sadness and your frustration and your desperation and anything which presents itself within you and allowing it, accepting it and being the loving, compassionate witness that embraces every vibration of dissonance as it rises from those places where it has been stored in you. Whether you have inherited this from your Grandparents, your Grandparent’s Grandparents. Whether this is inherited in your spiritual lineage, from past lives, from your experience as a human being within this lifetime. It does not matter where it comes from and little is to be gained from digging up old stories. Except to understand what it is that wants to be expressed; to be met, to be felt, to be seen and heard and loved and embraced and let go of, so that it may leave your field and so that you are doing your part in clearing the collective field of the very resonances that are giving permission for this war energy to happen. The depth to which this work takes place will determine how long and how deeply you collectively need to move into this battle vibration that’s manifesting as activity within your planet now. 

37.11 (New Guides) “Dont dramatise this - you’ll charge it. How to hold a healing focus for the war: by seeing it for what it is; trapped trauma, triggered to leave the collective field”

On this note, we would like to remind you not to look at what is happening as the creation of doom. As the prognosis of terrible things to come, as a failure, as things going wrong, because it will feel like that. But to look at what is happening as a demonstration of trapped trauma healing by manifesting to trigger new responses - from the light of consciousness as it is now - to old stories. So that the past can leave and you can align with the new. 

If you find yourself focussing on this and creating a story into the future about how disastrous things are going to become you are simply delaying your own healing and prolonging the process for yourself


Yes. You are only prolonging the process for yourself. For each of you are able to have more than 7 billion unique experiences, unique narratives of this now moment and what will unfold for you personally. 

“Spiritual Guidance on How to work with the energies of war to bring peace”

And as you walk with this moment, this moment that is full of heavy pressure, energetically as well as in a worldly way, we invite you to bring your attention all the way in, within, to where you will find, always, that sacred space of peace, untouchable by anything external. Allow yourselves permission to rest in that internal place of peace even while you perceive the chaos of the world unfolding in manifestation around you. 


For you, when you reside there are changing how you are generating your reality. You are going within to access a deeper truth than the temporary reality that is flashing past your horizons at this moment - for it is visible on your horizons and flashing past your viewpoint at this moment. When you touch that place of peace within you, you access a deeper knowing, a deeper truth always present within yourselves and you may act from there, look from there, perceive what is happening in your world from there and it will reinform your own perception. Changing how you are creating reality and playing your part in this picture. 


At times of intensity we always suggest you bring your attention inwards, into that stillness, into that inner silence where there is peace and space, where you are reading the mind of God as it shows up within your individuated consciousness. 

And listening within for the higher truths that can guide you, guide your every footstep. And let your footsteps slow right down. Do not rush off in all directions. In a crisis, those who rush off in a panic are not the ones holding a space of safety, for themselves or for others. 

Listen to that voice of God Consciousness as it shows up within you - your heart beat. Your drum beat. Let your drum beat guide your footsteps in this earth, to safety.


42:44 Lucy Speaks as herself

Is there anyone else here to speak - that was a convocation of many guides and many voices. I felt that beautiful beginning of the technical - I find it so exciting - the technical input from our Sirius guides, our Sirius family. And we moved through many other voices in this channeling. I’m just going to ask if there’s anyone else 
 I can feel a great wave of love here now. (sighs) There is just this wave of love here now. 

43:27  (Joy - as an archetypal energy within the Channeled Voice of Tara - Goddess of Earth Creations)

Breathe with me. I Am in all of you. I Am the Voice, I Am the Heart Beat. I Am the Tear that falls. I Am the Joy that rises. I Am the Light. I Am the Life. I Am Joy.

44:04 - 

And so are you. For everything else you all also are, you are this. You are made of Joy. Your footsteps fall like petals upon my surface. And I feel the heart beat of every one of you. And that feeling is always, always, a feeling of profound, deep, unconditional Love. Just that you are. You are here. You are one within me. This moment, beloveds is difficult and yet perfect. For it brings you the change your hearts are desperately seeking, desperately calling for. You have asked to be one heart within me. I Am Creation. I speak with you, as you. I am here. You are opening to the frequencies of the Tree of Life. And this tree breathes in the plants, in the animals and in you, beloveds. 

46:32 (Tara)

Sunlight. It forms the gold that turns into the currency that waters the creations that you grow within my fields of awareness. And these creations, beloveds, are beloved. Are loved by me. They do not have to be perfect and all of us are creations. What is the gift is seeing that you create. You create from the resources that come from Mother-body to your body, for the sake of play. For the purpose of creation to continue itself through you. You are not wrong in how you are doing this. You are perfectly imperfect. It is simply time to change. There are new laws, new principles in effect governing how things work; cause and effect. And as you grow, as a toddler grows, so too must you learn new degrees of principles, new concepts, you must apply new understandings as they are revealed to you, within you. As they become more real for you.


All of everything that is taking place upon my surface is supporting you all to elevate your activities, your creative play to the next level of symbiotic understanding. Of new harmonics at work of how you cocreate within me. One of the interference patterns that is being deleted from the fabric of how you cocreate, is the principle of lack. That there is not enough of my resources for all of the creating that wishes to happen. As you bring your cocreative impulses into alignment with your understanding of interconnectivity and symbiosis and organic, ecological, earthly symbiosis, so do you align what you want to create with what wants to be created.


And there you have it. There are sufficient and plentiful and always more than you need resources for every aligned, inspired impulse to cocreate. There are in fact resources for plenty of creations that are not aligned because the activity of you learning and growing through creating, of furthering creation itself, by allowing yourselves to use resources for this exploration - this is also divinely protected within me. You have space, beloveds, not to be perfect, not to feel like you have to get it right first time. 


And yet, you find yourselves under pressure to make really tremendous shifts in some of the foundational principles underpinning the root of your most basic creations as you use and nourish yourselves with your earthly resources as they are given. There is at once the reminder of your positioning within the planet so that you can remember your relationship as organisms within an organism, to all of the other organisms and recalibrate your old illusory perspective of being somehow a superior, elevated and separate, isolated unit of consciousness, simply taking. 


Of course, that is supported in the early stages of growth just as it is in a young child with a mother. But as you evolve and yes you are evolving, so new principles need to be brought to your awareness. And those of you who can move towards them are moving towards them without being pushed. You are running towards what you wish to see more of. But those of you who need to be pushed from behind - and we would suggest that both principles exist in all beings - are also being pushed from behind and sometimes that push needs to be, shall we say, severe, strong, overstated and repeated. So that the shift is made.


So these very strong experiences that are happening now - (me: let me just listen again) - these very strong pushes you are receiving now are coming in response to your readiness. To your progression; to where you are. For you are all more capable than you perceive yourselves to be, of understanding, acting and carrying out your higher intentions in creativity and use of worldly resource. But together, in order to be cohesive in how you progress in your actions, strong pushes, strong activities must erupt to prompt you to move, to shift, to respond in new ways and take new, uncomfortable actions.


It is not always uncomfortable and you are in fact going to reach new heights of ‘comfortability’ through doing so, but the shift can feel, to some, uncomfortable and this is temporary. Discomfort is. Discomfort should be. Comfort is a quality that comes with a mother’s love, a mother’s holding, a mother’s nurture and a mother’s nourishment. It is the embrace of a mother’s love as it is physically felt. 

54:30 (Lucy speaks as herself)

Thank you - I think I’m just going to have a break there. It feels like much more can be said but I just want to honour what I can be with. I’m just speaking as Lucy here. I’ll let these vibrations settle. And check in. Yes. Now there are words again. 


So beloveds, you see, you are pushed. And this pushing can, if you let it, call you to action. To right action. Aligned Action. Higher vibrational action. This push can, if you let it, call you into being, and from being call you into right, aligned, high vibrational action. 

We love you. We who speak are many. Thank you for receiving our broadcast and transmission. We hope you honour your place in this continuing picture and celebrate all that you have done and are doing. All that you are and are continuing to become. And the greatness and beauty of the unfolding happening here in these intense times. 

57:01 Lucy debriefs

So 2020 was the eye of the needle and as we’ve said before many times, the 8 years following on from this are when we call our worldly creations home into that alignment that reflects our inner awareness of unity. So when I say 2020 was the eye of the needle year, as I think Bashar named it, up until that point the collective consciousness was bringing its inner awareness into alignment with unity consciousness. From 2020 this is when that unity consciousness calls home the collectively manifested creations - so our worldly creations. How are we doing things in the world? And so that calls for a combination of worldly events to trigger us. But they are mitigated and reduced in intensity and in some cases the need for them is dissolved altogether when we continue to allow our inner work to bring us home to the heart and act from that place of being called home from the heart. So when there is war, we’re called to come home to compassion, to heal the grief, to allow that to vibrate out of our fields. And I do remember saying at the beginning of this year and the Pleiadians brought through the channeled message that this year was going to, as the previous years had helped the fear vibrate out of the field collectively, that grief was one of the vibrations that would be moving collectively out of our field. I have to say I was really hoping of course, like, I should think everybody else, that we wouldn’t need something like a physical war - an old fashioned physical war - to get that moving. But it seems we’ve manifested collectively - hmm, I don’t want to say we’ve manifested, as I think that places a very unkind responsibility on us and that conflicts directly with what we perceive we’re calling for - but that this is part of the picture. This is part of what’s moving us forward. And I really felt that resonant call to honour ALL of the responses that arise in us in response to the current situation and to allow ourselves to be called into compassion so that our actions come from a place that’s cleared - we’re clearing our fields from our own inherited and collected, accumulated trauma in relation to conflict. We’re picking - or we’ve got - this amplified event, rather than all of us needing to work individually on everywhere that conflict exists in us, which would take forever, literally, I think. That we’re actually collectively shifting a great deal by having such an intense manifestation of world conflict. That we can use this for the good of all by allowing it to trigger us to heal and clear our own internal responses, so that clears the field; the collective field from the need to heal (this) trauma. 


So this is what’s brought it about, is the need to heal trauma.And when we turn to the heart and we allow our heart and our compassion and we allow ourselves to face our emotions and we work with our trauma by allowing it to move and vibrate its way out of the field, we don’t need to be manifesting external situations that would get us through the same thing. 


But there is a two-world split, there’s the new world and the old world. In the new world, what’s more supported is resting in the resonance of harmony - that experience beyond the field of trauma and conflict and that will still move our grief - you know it’s a bit like a veteran of war, when the body has been through conflict and finally it rests in a state of peace, that’s when the trauma can really start to move. And in the New Earth that’s very much - those of us aligned with that New Earth paradigm, that’s a symptom of how these old traumas might be moving. They’re still going to move. But within the Old World paradigm, for those of us aligned within the Old World Paradigm, what moves us is being triggered to have those re-responses - to unconsciously have those re-responses to what’s going on outside of us. So do we do the inner work, or do we respond to what’s going on outside of us. Now, I don’t mean to say that it’s clear - like ‘you’re in the new world, so you will only respond in a high, conscious way’. That’s not true. I don’t see things like that at all. I see all of us as having something of all of it within us. That’s my personal perspective on that. And it’s important I feel to recognise that solidarity with everyone. Not to create a divide; ‘we are the awakened ones and they are the unconscious ones’ or ‘we are the unconscious ones but they are the weird ones.’ This division simply propagates the energies of conflict which are dissolving from our field. 


So, again, when we hit compassion, when we feel that resonant frequency of unconditional love, of divine love or human love, however it shows - but allowing divine love to show up humanly, we’re dissolving the energy of war within ourselves

And it starts in our bodies, in our homes, with our loved ones. And I think it starts and ends there, as I see it. So what’s important, right now, as well as what’s going on in the world, is again turning inwards and being with what’s in front of us, being with what’s within us, honouring the details in everything that’s happening in our personal worlds right now and taking those very little baby steps, not rushing off into headless action, but being present with what’s physically ‘here’ right ‘now.’


Thank you so much, that was a long broadcast and it’s beautiful if you sat through all of it. You have my love and my gratitude and thank you for just being with what has come through. 

Sirius Channeling - new dimensions activating in our energy fields
Higher Self Channeling - “Energy And Attention - As within, so without - heal yourselves and you help the war”
Channeling Overlighting Council “Resolving conflict lifts consciousness to make it ready for new-earth technologies”
(Channeling Star Guides) “Two-Earths - All are moving into Oneness Awareness”
(The Channel Speaks as herself “Two Earths - a Call to those bridging realities”
(Channeling the Guides) “Two Earths and The beauty of your compassion
(Sirius Channeling & star Guides) “How harmonic resonance triggers dissonance to rise up so it can be dealt with”
(Channeling cont) “Using intense situations to process collective trauma
“Using intense situations to process collective trauma
“How to work with the energies of war for personal and collective healing”
“How to work with the energies of war for personal and collective healing”
(New Channeling) How to hold a healing focus for the war
(Channeling) “Spiritual Guidance on How to work with the energies of war to bring peace
(Channeling cont) “Remembering Unity and Symbiosis as a Resonance in our
The Channel Speaks as herself
Channeling - Tara - Goddess of Earth Creations
The Channel's debrief