Our Divine Human Blueprint
Channelings, Meditations, Activations & simple ways to work with our divine human blueprint, to bring us into alignment, open us to our inner guidance and transform our energy alchemy. For access to more channeled gifts, energy updates, meditations, live members events and more, visit the website https://infinityresonance.com/
133 episodes
Embracing Fear as an Ally - Pathways to Mastery
With hosts Tracey Meinen and Lucy Hunter. Fear doesn't have to be an adversary. It can be a powerful messenger guiding you towards personal growth and self-mastery. Join us on this transformative journey with Tracy Meinen, who share...

Setting Intentions for the best year ever - with Light and Possibility - short energy meditation
A Short Intention Setting Meditation - for when you don't know what your intentions are!Imagine being able to transform your daily life by simply connecting with the brightest light within you. What if this radiant energy could reshape your...

Intention Setting with the Pleiadians - 1hr journey crystal encodements in the akash of our blueprints
It's all about shifting focus from healing to creating. Here's a structured, channeled journey where the Pleiadian guides of unconditionally loving integrity, through our Higher Selves, work with us to encode our blueprints with the hi...

A Journey to the Heart of Earth’s Secrets - innerearth beings - story & 7min meditation
Imagine a world where humanity coexists with these future beings of the inner earth, who stayed behind while we went up to the surface. And who have been there holding stability all this while, as we find our way back to harmony with Gaia. ...

Messages from Dragonkind - Embracing Stability Amid Change
Dragon Energies - your guides to personal and planetary balance. And finding calm amidst change.(Read Dragonkind channelings Part 2 here https://infinityresonance.com/latest-channelings-energy-updates-podcasts-live-streams-more/) <...

Atlantis Rising - Messages from the Guardians of Atlantis
Chaos precedes profound change? Join us on a mystical exploration of "The Memory of Atlantis Rising," where we reawaken ancient wisdom within our consciousness. We navigate beyond the stormy turbulence of fear and past traumas, to ...

No More Waiting - being beyond that part of us waiting for life to start - a mini process
So this has been coming up recently - for me and and I'm finding I'm not alone with it. This knowing that there's things I want to get on with, moves I want to make - geographically and metaphorically in my life, with my work, with my art and c...

This came through in the Spring energies as we head into the equinox.had to share ithave a beautiful day!This is the nearer I received this morning“It's a day to focus on what you wantWhat you're creatingWhat...

As promised, here's the fuller energy report for this Spring Equinox, Eclipses & Easter update.. An in depth look at the energies and how to be with them. With some guidance on how to work with the energies this equinox.To dive in e...

Just a very brief "how are you" check in before we go live with the bigger update. 💜💜💜💜💜💜FOR EXTRA SUPPORT Join the events over the equinox and eclipse MONDAY 25TH MARCH 8-9:30PM CETAKASHIC ALI...

Taking Aligned Action - Meditating for guidance on what to do today
Being Guided On What to Do Today "You can make willing slaves out of people who don't believe they're enough"A Pathway to Aligned ActionA clear path to guided action - how to break the thought control of the mind - acti...

Short Meditation Heart Flower_Divine Ma_Light of Softness
We were met by a circle of angels, who showed us the golden circle we made in the field. And spoke of the synergy we made with our gifts and our light in a shared space.They encircled us for this meditation, lifting us to the ...

New Year Channeling (short) - your signature blueprint
Uplifting channeling on the importance of you, your blueprint, your signature resonance and the song you are in the all that is - in this coming year who you are and what you're here to create will matter.guides of Unconditionally Loving In...

Crown Light Activation
Short, powerful but gentle Crown Light Meditation brought through by the Convocation of Masters' to help us gracefully ground in the Crown Light activations available.For opening to the crown light and grounding this in, through our bod...

Christmas Energy Alignment - Coming Home to Ourselves This Christmas + energy update
Coping with Christmas Conversations... A message, Christmas Energy Update and mini meditation to help us come home to ourselves this Christmas❤️ Coming back to the heart, out of the mind❤️ Finding beauty in difficult moments...

Cellular Regeneration - Short Meditation
Harmonic Resonance Short Meditation for Cellular RegenerationShort MeditationOpening the Gateway to Source from within the cellsBreathing the alchemical 'Breath of Creation'Anchoring PracticeA Self-Healing practi...

CHANNELING - How we're helping the global situation - Sirius White Lions
The Light Lions of Sirius bring through this 4-part channeling to give us hope on how we're helping with the war. How we're using it to create new realities and dissolve the old paradigm .The earth temples of Gaia are opening now under ...

Vortex Channeling 11-11
From the hills of Andalucía. Please excuse the noise! We were outside on a windy day, not expecting to record. But this is the message channeled for us from three light beings gathered in the hills of the Alpujarras yesterday, preparing for the...

A short meditation where we were invited to - expand our sensory perception - into the earth and out into the solar system - receive what's for us from the rays of our sun - receive what's for us from the har...

7 Day Meditation For Peace & safe energy boundaries
🤍 The guides offer this meditation and suggest we do this every morning and for 7 daysTo hold the resonance of peace in our fields - for ourselves and our worldsJOIN THESE LIVE - EVERY WEEK as part of 7 live monthly events for members. ...

Return of Lemurian Consciousness & Wisdom Keepers of the Creation Codes
Channeling starts 13:18minsPosted on September 21, 2023 by

MEDITATION - Spaciousness Embodied - Softening
"it is the light that encourages the flower to open it's heart to the world"This meditation is about the flower. When we open to Beingness, that's where receiving can happen.🤍 Enlightenment. Inspiration. Answers. Revela...

10min Channeling - Letting Go to Manifest More
The guides bring through encouragement and help for us to let go of limitations on what we're manifesting - in this quick, easy way.Inviting their support in to let us manifest from beyond the limits of our imagining.- Aligning us with ...

Healing Trauma in a field of Harmonic Resonance - 5min map and a broad definition of trauma
Excerpt from conversations with a shaman.A short description of a map for healing trauma in one to one sessions.Note - this is a simplified description of a complex process that takes place for each of us in unique ways and in its o...

10min Morning Meditation - embodied energy meditation for purity - crown & heart chakras, body & cells
A channeled energy meditation for Aligning in harmonic resonance, listening to how you are and letting energy move.Breathing in unconditional love from within, listening to and letting vibrations move in the cells, the body and the ener...