Our Divine Human Blueprint

Sirius Channeling - consciousness & technology

June 13, 2022 Lucy - Infinity Resonance
Our Divine Human Blueprint
Sirius Channeling - consciousness & technology
Show Notes

Activational Channeling from the Sirius guides overlighting the evolution of the human blueprint, talking about the evolution of consciousness determining specific paradigm shifts within platforms for information-sharing technologies.
They say post summer solstice, our collective cocreating challenge will be to transcend the arena of lack-based competitiveness by opening to limitless potential for rewriting this in the harmonic oneness-realisation, where a reflective behaviour model for how information sharing platforms interact can develop from the internal behaviours in the connnective field of consciousness. This is where interconnected sympathetic frequencies govern how connections are made with an effortlessness that transcends the current feedback generated from fear-lack-need-based competition.
In short, how our technology platforms serve us can shift in response to how we're collectively transcending limiting behaviours, not just because metaphysically the external creation arises from the internal state of the ones creating it, but because the digital reality is a field of consciousness generated from us. We inhabit it, respond to it and change it. We govern how it develops by responding to it just as our reality experience changes based on how we're responding to that. Not only is it a dimension of reality, but it's a dimension of the Self; our experience of our interactions with the digital realm is one of the multi dimensions of the Self.  So our ownership of this can develop and outt ownership of master cocreativity in our own reality can include this realm of consciousness just like any other.

Blueprint work is for aligning with the Self beyond the stories. This helps us shift our perspective, our state & rewrite the story of ourselves, by aligning with our highest truth. It connects us with our intuition, guidance, gifts & unconditionally loving support. Owning our sovereignty as master cocreator of our own reality. These transmissions are encoded with frequencies for activating our inner oracle. For living humanly as divine multidimensional beings we are. 

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