Our Divine Human Blueprint

Channeling on the Akash

April 15, 2021 Lucy - Infinity Resonance Season 3 Episode 9
Our Divine Human Blueprint
Channeling on the Akash
Show Notes Transcript

I was asked what is the akash and what is is akashic blueprint work. It's so exciting when questions like this get asked. I can get out of the way and let the guides take care of the words that want to come. The answer is potentially so vast. It can be approached from many different angles.  Here's what came through in this instance.

To get the most from listening to a channeling, I recommend shifting attention to the heart and centre, to the sensation of breath in the body and to the sensation in the body as a whole while listening.

To read this and other channeling transcripts visit the website:https://infinityresonance.com/latest-channelings-energy-updates-podcasts-live-streams-more/

BLUEPRINT-AKASH READINGS & SESSIONS - aligning with our divine human blueprint. If you'd like one to one supprt, email me or visit the website. I'd love to hear from you. https://infinityresonance.com/home/sessions-channeled-readings-and-alignments/

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What is the akash and akashic blueprint work? Sitting with Sam


There is a connection between the akash, which essentially is consciousness and the evolution of DNA as it commonly is termed to be upgrading now, which is the product of an awakening consciousness, which is referring to the integration of fifth dimensional awareness in the realm of 3 dimensional matter. 

This means really that we are living with greater awareness of the interconnected fields of consciousness we are. The interconnected consciousness we are. That we live and breathe in a state of constant interaction with everything around us and everyone within the planet we’re a part of, within the cosmos the planet moves within and that all of this activity, outer activity that we can see with our eyes that we can see when we look out into our world, into our universe, into our personal universes, all of this is held within consciousness itself. The purity of raw potentiality from which all things arise and to which all things return. 

The art of akash reading is the art of accessing the records and the scripts contained within specific memory banks in fields of consciousness of individual beings. So every individual being has within it a memory bank - a record of every memory it's ever experienced. But every memory it’s ever experienced in every facet in every dimension it’s evolved through. 

So this here now consciousness speaking is a point in focus that has evolved from one consciousness, the source of all, through dimensions, coming to a point in this here, now moment in this physical, human expression of itself. It’s evolved through elemental kingdoms. It’s evolved through plant kingdoms, it’s evolved through mineral kingdoms, it’s evolved through animal kingdoms. And that’s simply (part of) its story of evolution that’s taken place within its earth lifetimes of every individual that’s here. Every individual that’s here has evolved within the planet, through these kingdoms before evolving its human story through multiple lifetimes. And that’s just one facet of the information that’s recorded within the records, the memory banks if you like of this individual. Any individual. 

Then if you consider that any individual is also connected to other multidimensional experiences of itself. Other individuations in other alternate realities, alternate timelines, you can see there is a vast complexity to all the information that can be contained and accessible within one individual, that also contains the memory of originating from one consciousness. The source of everything. 

So the art of reading the akash is the art of asking what, of all that information, is relevant right now to the heart’s intention of that individual. Because nothing is more precious than the heart’s intention of an individual. For that heart intention is essentially the intention of God / All of Consciousness expressed through this individuation subjectively. It has a mission. Things it wants to discover, things it’s exploring, like every individual is an ambassador of one consciousness, with a job to do. 

Although we would prefer the energy of ‘play.’

And whatever is burning and alive and mattering to the heart of that one individual, whatever ways in which they’ve chosen to grow, evolve, transform or explore, everything in all fields of consciousness; every being, every guide, every plant, every molecule, every atom, is responsive to that heart’s desire of human individuals here in this planet. 

So all of reality is responsive to what’s alive in that individual’s heart. So akashic record reading is pointed at serving that individual to come right to the heart of what is in their heart. And aligning them to ask the questions that will receive the answers that will call them into focus.