Our Divine Human Blueprint

Protecting ourselves from emfs - how harmonic resonance generates a healthy energy field

Lucy - Infinity Resonance Season 6 Episode 1

With awareness and intention we can requalify the activity of misaligned emfs as they enter our field. Through practise and repetition we can attune our fields to effortlessly requalify toxic energy as it enters our domain. 
Until we consciously do this, we might find ourselves affected by dissonant frequencies in our energy environment. Some of us more than others. But knowing that we don't need to depend on external solutions to what is often considered an external threat, we can claim our energy Sovereignty and recalibrate ourselves for protection and healthy renewal by consciously charging our fields and energy boundaries. In the same way that we take care of interpersonal boundaries of all kinds. Energy is consciousness and we have domain over our own subjective experience of our reality.
This takes a semi-technical look at why this is. To experience the practical side, join the fortnightly Alignment Meditations, where we actively practise working with harmonic resonance in our fields of energy and awareness. 

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