Our Divine Human Blueprint

4th December channeled message - call to bravery from Kali-Ma

December 04, 2021 Lucy - Infinity Resonance Season 10 Episode 1
Our Divine Human Blueprint
4th December channeled message - call to bravery from Kali-Ma
Show Notes Transcript

A call to shine the light of our true essence into the darkness and allow that same darkness to devour what's no longer for us. To trust that truly what we are is protected and what we're not can fall away. An encouraging, celebratory Channeling on this 4th December new moon gateway. 

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You brave, brave beloveds, each of you journeying far, far into the dark to pick up the pieces you chose to believe were real for so very long. Those stories you told yourself, you told the world about yourself. About who you believed you were. 

What if those stories, what if it was just possible those stories, some of those stories aren’t true for you. Aren’t the face you need to lift to the midday sun. Aren’t the true reflection of the resonant blueprint essence of you. 

For each of you shine; shine the truth of who you are out, like a beacon. Into the textile, fabric of all that is. Into the pure ocean of raw potentiality. Always telling reality, always telling the world who you are and what it is. What it is to you. 

What if some of those songs you’ve been singing all this time, to keep yourself safe, to keep others safe. What if they’re not any longer you. Now more than ever it is time to let all of who you are not be devoured, fall away and take no shame in 'turning on a sixpence', as they say, and suddenly showing the world a different face for in these times of change all have permission to transform, slowly or suddenly, in fits and bursts or steady progressions but all have permission to show the world yet deeper uncoverings of the true face of who they are beyond the stories, under all the overlays. 

Everything that hides up and til now has protected and kept safe that core essence of who you really, truly are, for nothing right now, matters more."