Our Divine Human Blueprint

Return of Lemurian Consciousness & Wisdom Keepers of the Creation Codes

September 21, 2023 Lucy - Infinity Resonance

Channeling starts 13:18mins

Posted on September 21, 2023 by infinityresonance

Equinox Energy Update & Sirius Channeling - the return of lemurian consciousness

& Wisdom Keepers of the Creation Codes

Letting Old Leaves fall from our lives…

What if those leaves were the leaves of a book, telling the story of who we used to be. There’s such a strong emphasis on letting go this Autumn Equinox. And so much to let go of, we’re receiving the gift of divine intervention to help the old leaves fall from our lives. 

So we don’t need to dig. We just need to be present with our feelings, honor our emotions as they arise, turn to face what we might not want to feel and view it not as a story, but as energy, in a process of healing, transformation and renewal. 

Composting, just like the leaves. Over winter we’re germinating the seeds of our Spring Creations. But we’re also letting go of the old to come into a higher alignment with the truth of who we are this winter.  Here’s the video with an overview of the core healing and transformations taking place in the akashic reading of the collective human blueprint. 


So if you’ve had a lot of triggers this autumn equinox, know you are not alone and you are supported. That what is rising up is rising up to leave. Not to create in your reality. 




Well that’s the exciting part…

What Are We Being Prepared For?

The Return of Lemurian Consciousness

It’s not just that we’ll be creating next Spring, and in the joyful energy of playful creating, like every spring. It’s that we’re reclaiming lost parts of our Lemurian consciousness. Our Gaia blueprint continues to activate, calling us to vibrate in a wholler alignment of oneness within her. And to remember ourselves as the divine master cocreators at play within her, imagining this world that is new. 


We are the architects of reality, being called into a frequency of play, remembering how we create at higher dimensions of ourselves, within Gaia’s fields, giving shape to the flowers, the plants, the animals, her rocks and terrain, her landscape and gardens. This long forgotten but well guarded wisdom is being let out to us again, as those keepers of the wisdom keys for the Gaia Creation Codes open their gifts and divine rememberings to the collective consciousness. 


We each are keepers of wisdom keys that we guarded throughout time and forgetting. And the call to speak – speak what we know is coming through so strongly. Which is why it’s also time to heal our cultural climate from criticism to celebration, making a safe space for softness to bloom and nourish vulnerability, authenticity and honesty. To make it safe to share this knowledge we’re holding onto 


In the video I share the nudge Gaia gave my yesterday, to remember my own creation codes. For me, I resonate with the rocks and hills in Gaia and she reminded me of the part I’ve had to play in the past, giving these a shape in various places. And we look at the core themes and energies present this autumn equinox, finishing with an Activational SIrius channel

Blueprint work is for aligning with the Self beyond the stories. This helps us shift our perspective, our state & rewrite the story of ourselves, by aligning with our highest truth. It connects us with our intuition, guidance, gifts & unconditionally loving support. Owning our sovereignty as master cocreator of our own reality. These transmissions are encoded with frequencies for activating our inner oracle. For living humanly as divine multidimensional beings we are. 

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