Our Divine Human Blueprint

Vortex Channeling 11-11

November 12, 2023 Lucy - Infinity Resonance

From the hills of Andalucía. Please excuse the noise! We were outside on a windy day, not expecting to record. But this is the message channeled for us from three light beings gathered in the hills of the Alpujarras yesterday, preparing for the 11-11 energies.
The vortices in these hills were open and the energies clearly visible . 

Read the full article - and see the incredible cloud-vortex photos - on the website

And the full energy update for the 11-11 energies in this gateway.

I hope you have a beautiful day

Blueprint work is for aligning with the Self beyond the stories. This helps us shift our perspective, our state & rewrite the story of ourselves, by aligning with our highest truth. It connects us with our intuition, guidance, gifts & unconditionally loving support. Owning our sovereignty as master cocreator of our own reality. These transmissions are encoded with frequencies for activating our inner oracle. For living humanly as divine multidimensional beings we are. 

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