Our Divine Human Blueprint
Channelings, Meditations, Activations & simple ways to work with our divine human blueprint, to bring us into alignment, open us to our inner guidance and transform our energy alchemy. For access to more channeled gifts, energy updates, meditations, live members events and more, visit the website https://infinityresonance.com/
Our Divine Human Blueprint
Vortex Channeling 11-11
From the hills of Andalucía. Please excuse the noise! We were outside on a windy day, not expecting to record. But this is the message channeled for us from three light beings gathered in the hills of the Alpujarras yesterday, preparing for the 11-11 energies.
The vortices in these hills were open and the energies clearly visible .
Read the full article - and see the incredible cloud-vortex photos - on the website
And the full energy update for the 11-11 energies in this gateway.
I hope you have a beautiful day
Lucy Hunter is an oracle for the human blueprint, showing people how to work with theirs to heal and transform core patterns and scripts and align with their signature and soul purpose.
Lucy has been reading and coaching with the blueprint-Akash for 16 years, supporting empaths and the energy aware to embody their gifts and abilities, reclaim their energy sovereignt
Join the guided Channelings, alignments and activations live.
Or contact Lucy for a free chat about one-on-one session support on your path
About Lucy Hunter - She's a channel and Oracle for the Akash of Human Blueprint, to help others access their inner oracle, align with their signature blueprint, to be guided from within. Her passion is the naturalization of the divine multidimensional human and through sessions and channeled online events she works supporting others on their path of sovereingty in self-awareness, to access more of their gifts and natural energy awareness.