Our Divine Human Blueprint

Christmas Energy Alignment - Coming Home to Ourselves This Christmas + energy update

December 24, 2023 Lucy - Infinity Resonance

Coping with Christmas Conversations... A message, Christmas Energy Update and mini meditation to help us come home to ourselves this Christmas

❤️ Coming back to the heart, out of the mind

❤️ Finding beauty in difficult moments

❤️ Opening to the Infinite over the Christmas dinner table

🤍 Crown Light Energy activations

🤍 Meditation for Spaciousness, grounding and stillness

💚 A little support this Christmas - these are the words that come when I asked what could support us this Christmas. shared with love and the help of KaRa the White Cat.

Have a beautiful, kind, gentle Christmas.

With love,

Lucy x

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For more about everything else -

Blueprint work is for aligning with the Self beyond the stories. This helps us shift our perspective, our state & rewrite the story of ourselves, by aligning with our highest truth. It connects us with our intuition, guidance, gifts & unconditionally loving support. Owning our sovereignty as master cocreator of our own reality. These transmissions are encoded with frequencies for activating our inner oracle. For living humanly as divine multidimensional beings we are. 

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