Our Divine Human Blueprint
Channelings, Meditations, Activations & simple ways to work with our divine human blueprint, to bring us into alignment, open us to our inner guidance and transform our energy alchemy. For access to more channeled gifts, energy updates, meditations, live members events and more, visit the website https://infinityresonance.com/
Our Divine Human Blueprint
Taking Aligned Action - Meditating for guidance on what to do today
Being Guided On What to Do Today
"You can make willing slaves out of people who don't believe they're enough"
A Pathway to Aligned Action
A clear path to guided action - how to break the thought control of the mind - action aligned with our purpose
Do we have the courage to simply be and do for ourselves
What's in Alignment with our own true purpose,
To let our feeling of excitement become
Joy. To trust our joy and use it as a compass for what we do.
Lucy Hunter is an oracle for the human blueprint, showing people how to work with theirs to heal and transform core patterns and scripts and align with their signature and soul purpose.
Lucy has been reading and coaching with the blueprint-Akash for 16 years, supporting empaths and the energy aware to embody their gifts and abilities, reclaim their energy sovereignt
Join the Oracle's Circle events live. Channeled journeys into sacred realms, Opening the akash of your human blueprint to explore yourself as a divine, multidimensional human in connectedness within, with all life, with all that is. For aligning with the Self beyond the stories.
Or contact Lucy for a free chat about one-on-one session support on your path
About Lucy Hunter - She's a channel and Oracle for the Akash of Human Blueprint, working to help others access their inner oracle, align with their signature blueprint and be guided from within - to live their truth and embody sovereignty as master cocreators of their own reality. Her passion is the naturalization of the divine multidimensional human and through sessions and channeled online events she works supporting others on their path of mastery in self-awareness, to access more of their gifts and natural energy awareness.
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This podcast is about being guided on what to do today. The words that came to me this morning were you can make willing slaves out of people who don't believe they're enough. Now we're going to talk about a pathway to aligned action which means a clear path to Guided Action. How we can break the thought control of the mind. And take action that's aligned with our purpose. So do we have the courage to simply be and do for ourselves? What's in alignment with our own true purpose? To let our feeling of excitement become joy, to trust our joy, and use it as a compass? For what we do. To allow what we do to be justified by its creativity. Those moments when we have nothing to do. When we sit for a moment and we're not beholden to anybody. Our time doesn't belong to anyone. We're not fulfilling someone else's needs. We're not answering to the demands of our own
Unknown Speaker 1:40
to do list. firstly, do we allow ourselves those moments? Secondly, in those moments what's the feeling creeps in? Can we sit with ourselves when there's nothing needs doing?
Unknown Speaker 2:01
Or do we need a screen distraction? Something to do someone to think about? If so, what's the uncomfortable feeling we're getting away from? is it just possibly that we don't feel like w 're enough unless something, fill in blank. That unconditional feeling of being enough in this moment? Because we are. Can we even imagine that? being content. And when there's nothing to do to do nothing. Having accountability to others having someone else we're for something we're doing for someone or a to do list that we make ourselves accountable to those things can help us escape the feeling of not being enough as we are and they can also keep us from that golden alignment of inspired creativity that can follow a moment resting in I am enough in this moment. Just for a moment. Not just as a thought, but as a whole body vibration. Taking a moment to sit because nothing. to let the body, the muscles the bones relax into that moment until the whole nervous system drops. And we can let go of the hidden places of tension in us just for a moment, daring to daydream. Instead of filling the mind with what should be happening in the next moment. In that silence, emptiness. Inspiration can come from within from the part of us that knows itself as one within
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Wth all life. With All That Is. The part of us listening from that place of connectedness and the very essence of who we are
Unknown Speaker 5:04
That's our signature blueprint containing our purpose, our nature and the essence of our being
Unknown Speaker 5:20
an essence that can translate all the way from the intangible into the definable. Meditating for a moment can bring us guidance, impulse, clarity, and answers in the form of inspiration, moving us to act from an inner impulse rather than external imposition. Inspiring us to take aligned action that lines our lives up with our sole purpose and bringing joy as an impulse to clear and defined action, giving us guidance. Making a space in our thoughts so we can hear what's for us and trust we're acting in alignment with who we are and what we want, truly. And we can act from that place. Of Enoughness. Thanks for listening guys, I hope you enjoyed it and got something from today. So much love. I'm your host, Lucy