Our Divine Human Blueprint
Channelings, Meditations, Activations & simple ways to work with our divine human blueprint, to bring us into alignment, open us to our inner guidance and transform our energy alchemy. For access to more channeled gifts, energy updates, meditations, live members events and more, visit the website https://infinityresonance.com/
Our Divine Human Blueprint
No More Waiting - being beyond that part of us waiting for life to start - a mini process
So this has been coming up recently - for me and and I'm finding I'm not alone with it. This knowing that there's things I want to get on with, moves I want to make - geographically and metaphorically in my life, with my work, with my art and creating…
And somehow while a lot of me feels more than ready, blocks are manifesting and I'm not in that rhythm and flow of moving forward. On the one hand I'm being guided it's time to move home soon. And on the other I've not got the financial resources to go where I want to go.
Now I just know there's going to be more to move beyond before I actually move. If I check my guidance tells me I'm not falling behind, I'm right where I'm meant to be.
But I know I've got things to work on and this is coming up first:
This hidden one within who is in a vibratory state of waiting.
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With inner journeys, short alignments, daily anchoring practices
as well as channeled sessions and coaching support for Empaths and Energy Sensitives
we open and explore the Akash of our golden human blueprint in that live group events
find out more and book a chat with me
Waiting is part of the old paradigm. Of existing in a void. Of there always being a gap between who you are and where you are and what needs to happen. As though the whole of our lives and reality need rescuing from a state of ‘not-enoughness’. Of being in need.
Of there being conditions attached to our being, doing and having what's for us now.
Sure taking action and shifting state needs to happen to bring in what's next in the process of creating. That's what creating is - life, aliveness, movement.
But what state are we vibrating at while we move…
Are we in a state of perpetual need, always aware of the gap between where we are and being alright at some point in the future when certain conditions are met.
Or are we in a state of enoughness. Complete in the present moment and moving forward out of joy, in time with life.
And which of those states do we find more motivating? Most of us are now urgently motivated to move out of a sen
Lucy Hunter is an oracle for the human blueprint, showing people how to work with theirs to heal and transform core patterns and scripts and align with their signature and soul purpose.
Lucy has been reading and coaching with the blueprint-Akash for 16 years, supporting empaths and the energy aware to embody their gifts and abilities, reclaim their energy sovereignt
Join the Oracle's Circle events live. Channeled journeys into sacred realms, Opening the akash of your human blueprint to explore yourself as a divine, multidimensional human in connectedness within, with all life, with all that is. For aligning with the Self beyond the stories.
Or contact Lucy for a free chat about one-on-one session support on your path
About Lucy Hunter - She's a channel and Oracle for the Akash of Human Blueprint, working to help others access their inner oracle, align with their signature blueprint and be guided from within - to live their truth and embody sovereignty as master cocreators of their own reality. Her passion is the naturalization of the divine multidimensional human and through sessions and channeled online events she works supporting others on their path of mastery in self-awareness, to access more of their gifts and natural energy awareness.