Our Divine Human Blueprint

Atlantis Rising - Messages from the Guardians of Atlantis

Lucy - Infinity Resonance

Chaos precedes profound change? Join us on a mystical exploration of "The Memory of Atlantis Rising," where we reawaken ancient wisdom within our consciousness. 

We navigate beyond the stormy turbulence of fear and past traumas, to rediscovering our innate gifts, forging a deeper connection with the Earth, and nurturing a sense of unity with each other, the planet and infinite source.

This channeled activation is an invitation to receive support from the guardians of Atlantis as they share messages of divine intervention through an Oracle of New Earth. 

Embrace the powerful process of clearing and reconfiguration, and allow the resonance of your heart to guide you. 

Together, we celebrate the integration of Atlantean light templates into our essence, trusting in the renewal and homecoming it heralds.  This can be abreathtaking journey of transformation.

A channeled light activation in the blueprint-Akash of our DNA.

Blueprint work is for aligning with the Self beyond the stories. This helps us shift our perspective, our state & rewrite the story of ourselves, by aligning with our highest truth. It connects us with our intuition, guidance, gifts & unconditionally loving support. Owning our sovereignty as master cocreator of our own reality. These transmissions are encoded with frequencies for activating our inner oracle. For living humanly as divine multidimensional beings we are. 

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About Lucy Hunter - the guides have asked her to take the name 'The Oracle of New Earth' - She's a channel, oracle and energy alchemist working with the divine resonances of the human blueprint, to help others access their inner oracle, align with their signature blueprint and be guided from within in life. To embody their divine human multidimensionality with joy, fulfillment and embodied sovereignty. Supporting empaths and the energy-aware to develop their gifts and receive support on their path.

Speaker 1:

So, atlantis rising? Most of us think of this. The image of a great continent emerging from the sea comes to mind, and it's not at all that. It's in our hearts. There is a great Atlantean rising in the consciousness of humankind. Now, come on, come on, help, come on, attaboy, rest in your hearts.

Speaker 1:

Beloveds, you are the still point in the centre of the storm, the stillness All about you can be raging chaos, as what is surfacing, rising up in the collective to clear, are the old Atlantean stories, what you've held on to, the wounds you have been too afraid to look at all this time, for they touched upon the tremors, the aftershock of the fall into even further separation within with each other, with all that is with the earth. The fear rising on your planet at this time is surfacing to clear from your fields, from the collective field of humanity, from the collective field of humanity, so that you may once again claim your withinness, your within-looking abilities. Many of you, when you turned within long ago, as part of that culture which existed in Earth for thousands of years, many of you had gifts and abilities that connected you with the planet, the elements, the ability to bring landmass into being, land mass into being. Many of you had the memory of abilities in this life connecting you with birthing universes At higher dimensions of who you are. You still have these abilities. What is becoming available now is the opportunity to ground them into a human consciousness that is still discovering its ability, its capacity for opening to unity, with its feet on the ground and trusting itself to manage once again the tremendous capabilities you once had.

Speaker 1:

What must shake out of your systems, beloveds, is the fear that arises or that arose when you use these abilities, in the fall of forgetting who you were, that you were part of one consciousness experiencing itself. Bill Hicks said it. We're remembering it again and again and again, in different ways, in all of the ways that we can One consciousness not separate. As you forgive yourselves for the misuse of your abilities and this misuse furthering the trajectory, the fall into separation, you will, you can see that you will once again claim, remember, re-embody the Atlantean wisdom that you once had, and this will bring all your old fears to the surface, for clearing. These clearing fears are generating a fantastic wind upon your earth. They are contributing to the storm-like energy some of you are feeling at this time, either literally or figuratively. It is the chaos of great change.

Speaker 1:

As you face your fears and transcend them, you lift your feet out of your old Atlantean wounding stories and step into the golden self, remembering itself as one within all that is Playing its part in the perfection of harmony coming home to itself. You are here to create more of harmony in reality so that you can experience yourselves in the natural state which you were birthed into, which you carry within your templates and which you carry within your templates and which you will recreate your realities from more and more and more as you continue to clear your fields, release the fear and step out beyond the past, which is no longer happening. This is the remembering we wish to bring to your attention now. The past is no longer happening. You are not in the fall, you're in the homecoming. And as you enter this phase of homecoming, picking up the codes from Atlantis, you will have to shake out like a rug being aired what you still carry in the records, in the akash of your blueprints. For those records, those trauma memories, those resonances that caused you to shut down to your abilities, to shun them, to judge them, to cut them off in yourself, suppress them in yourself and in others, wove control energetics into the energy biology of your human blueprint. That disconnected you from source, from the earth, and you have been alleviating yourselves from these energetics ever since. You are in the final stages of clearing these energetics from the planetary, from your body blueprint, which connects you to your planetary field right, yes, the planetary field in your blueprint.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, as you do this, the beautiful energetics for your signature blueprint and the Atlantean gifts you have are coming online, reweaving lines of light in your body fields, and they are beautiful, these templates showing up as light signatures for many of you now speak to the Atlantean gifts you left behind and are picking up as though you were sifting for gold in the. You are finding yourselves once again. This is why chaos, this is why fear, this is why the past is waving, perhaps at this time for some of you, creating echoes. You're not here to be ended, you are here to be re-begun. Out of the chaos comes great potential for change. These times and the winds of change are the winds of what is leaving as well as the winds of what is waking up, as well as the winds of what is waking up these times offer the potential, the possibility for tremendous renewal.

Speaker 1:

Your light is being reactivated, realigned, so that the light of who you are doesn't leave you and run off over the hills, abandoning the soul of your essence, leaving it behind, only to reunite with this beautiful part of you at death. Spirit and soul dance together in you, in this body, in this lifetime. Who you are and what you do come together in a symphony of creating as the harmony. You are more of the harmony, more of the reality that supports you, living that harmony, breathing that harmony, seeing that harmony reflected in others, in your relationship with others. As you see the face you are, look back at you and smile in the eyes of another human being in a blade of grass, in a, and smile in the eyes of another human being in a blade of grass in a tree in the sky. The part of you that creates is not the part that feels it is separate from all. That is the part of you that creates is a part of you that is one within all, that is Listening to that part, to one consciousness speaking itself through the unique refraction of light that you are. Is perfection, is your pathway to creation, is your pathway home. You are like a faceted jewel. No one, no one sees creation. The way you see it, no one emits light or receives light the way you do.

Speaker 1:

Think of a jewel with many flat surfaces, just hewn from the rock, emitting light in all directions, receiving light in all directions. But the shape, the angles, what's going on inside that beautiful piece of crystal, that jewel? It's unique. Even a jewel that's cut to look the same as the one next to it can never be the same on the inside. There are no two stones that are exactly alike. There are no two snowflakes that are exactly alike. So they say, how could it be that you are exactly alike anyone else?

Speaker 1:

For too long, this individuation has been confused with what makes you separate from all that is. Individuation does not equal separation. The individuation can realise it is one within the whole and allow more of that wholeness to be its guide, choosing to align the will of the individual with the harmony of the whole, allowing the expression of love of light to pour through it, knowing it will not lose its individuality, trusting that, in its asymmetrical, apparent imperfection, the light that pours through it and creates is still perfect, is still harmonious, is still part of the whole. Coming home to itself is still part of one consciousness singing a symphony, more and more in harmony with itself as its disparate parts make the choice to turn inward and ask, from a place of connection, reconnectivity who am I, what is for me now and what am I for?

Speaker 1:

This guidance that comes from within is available in every moment, in every situation, no matter how minute, no matter how tiny, tiny. And these tiny little actions are like the movements of sand that, without realising it, form beautiful dunes, like the molecules of water. Without realising it, they are part of a wave. You are letting go of your fear of the wave, the wave of Atlantis that pulled so many of you under the tipping of that vast continent into the sea. Your body knows, for the Akash of what was experienced by a body is held in the records of many of the bodies that you are here incarnated within at this time. It is in the Akash of your DNA, and those records are opening loves, but they're opening to clear, not to recreate from your future. You will be whole again because you already are and always were.

Speaker 1:

The part of you who chose to experience otherness and not wholeness is gradually, detail by detail, making the choices to re-experience the wholeness. That is the truth of who you are. It is time to focus on your gifts and what is returning. What did you abandon? So many of you came into this life with the gifts you are to reopen to untouched. And then what happened? Story happened. Yes, they were closed down. Don't get stuck there, because now is the time that what was closed down is reopening.

Speaker 1:

Give it your attention. Turn to face the beauty and the magnificence of the light bulb you each and all are. You are the technology constantly creating the reality around you. You are doing this together. Why not turn and face the magnificence of the light emissions coming from you? Now Reclaim your connection with the elements. Reclaim your connection, your understanding, your embodiment of natural forces as they move through you. You are the wind, you are the sea, you are the waves, you are the earth, you are the fire. You are all of this and the grain of sand upon a beach, a drop of water in an ocean. You're not in control, and yet you have limitless choice. And yet you have limitless choice as you bring that choice home to face oneness expressing itself through this unique individuation that you are. You're not giving away your power. You're reclaiming it and making the most of this delightful opportunity to live a life. This life, this embodied expression of oneness that's never, that's unique, that has never existed before and never will again, and is in the moment of the breath of creation, in this dance of unfolding that it is right now coming home to itself. You don't have to be there, you don't have to be perfect, you don't have to be at the end. There is no end. Exactly After this completion, another adventure begins, and it won't be like this one that you know.

Speaker 1:

So why would there be any tiredness in facing life? The light you are is coming home to wholeness, the light, the part of you that is action made manifest, bringing the dreams, your goals into reality touchable, tangible, measurable, visible. You don't have to be complete. You are not the finished article. You are what is becoming. You are becoming what you already are, always have been and can never not be truly, underneath all the layers, the stories, the overlays, the misdirections, the other decisions that got made, to wander off and explore your not-ness, your otherness, your not-true nature, forgive yourselves, know that you are enough exactly as you are in this moment. Turn to face the emerging light in you, for it will put you back in touch with your gifts, your Atlantean gifts rising and gifts rising.

Speaker 1:

Well, we are the guardians of Atlantis, speaking through the Oracle of New Earth at this time. Thank you, beloveds, for your precious with profound blessings. From the heart of the whole of all that is, we wish you well on your voyage and we'll return to bring blessings and assistance as we may. For now, just know there is a divine intervention of huge order bringing through all the support to enable the clearing, the reconfiguration and the rising that is well underway. Have heart. Thank you, loves.

Speaker 1:

So let's take a moment to rest in the resonance of our hearts. Know that the message delivered isn't so much about the words or the information, but what it may have opened in us. Thank you, letting that beautiful frequency of our signature Atlantean light templates open in our human blueprints now open in the biology of our energy, open in our fields, without needing to know what it is. What does it mean? What should I do about it? Letting it open, letting the past fall away, trusting that each breath brings even greater renewal, reconnection, and with greater reconnection comes greater opening, greater embodiment, and the light we are weaves itself into our templates, into our blueprint, into the field, the puzzle pieces returning home. It's so beautiful, so precious this homecoming, so it feels like such an honour to be even witness, never mind a part of it. Thank you Now. Is there anything else that wants to be said? No, I think that's it. Go gently. May this transition be useful.