Our Divine Human Blueprint

Messages from Dragonkind - Embracing Stability Amid Change

Lucy - Infinity Resonance

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Dragon Energies - your guides to personal and planetary balance. And finding calm amidst change.
(Read Dragonkind channelings Part 2 here https://infinityresonance.com/latest-channelings-energy-updates-podcasts-live-streams-more/) 

This episode emphasizes the importance of being open to these new energetic structures, allowing them to integrate into one's life. By doing so, listeners can mitigate the impact of these frequencies on their physicality, enabling them to maintain their daily routines with stability and ease. This support is crucial as the world undergoes significant transformations, affecting both personal and planetary structures.

If you're wondering how to navigate the chaos of changing times with ease and grace, this chandler message is here to support you. In this episode, we're thrilled to bring you the profound insights of GevaAnn., the voice of Gaia. GevaAnn has an incredible gift for channeling benevolent and uplifting energies, and today, she taps into dragon consciousness to offer a unique stability during periods of structural upheaval. These dragons are not just mythical creatures but masters of planetary structures, ready to share their wisdom and support us in embracing new creations while releasing past limitations. This is your chance to learn how to harmonize with powerful new energetic structures that can stabilize both personal and planetary dimensions.

Join us on this transformative journey as we explore the message from Dragonkind, channeled through GevaAnn. Listen with an open heart as these benevolent consciousnesses reveal new geometries and frequencies that influence our daily lives. Their guidance promises to ease your transition into new paradigms, fostering stability amid the turbulence. By embracing this message, you'll discover how holding your own stability can positively impact those around you. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with the support of Dragonkind and share their message with all who seek to hear it.

Lucy Hunter is an oracle for the human blueprint, showing people how to work with theirs to heal and transform core patterns and scripts and align with their signature and soul purpose.

Lucy has been reading and coaching with the blueprint-Akash for 16 years, supporting empaths and the energy aware to embody their gifts and abilities, reclaim their energy sovereignt

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About Lucy Hunter - She's a channel and Oracle for the Akash of Human Blueprint, working to help others access their inner oracle, align with their signature blueprint and be guided from within - to live their truth and embody sovereignty as master cocreators of their own reality. Her passion is the naturalization of the divine multidimensional human and through sessions and channeled online events she works supporting others on their path of mastery in self-awareness, to access more of their gifts and natural energy awareness.

Speaker 1:

So I want to introduce Jeeva N. Jeeva N, voice of Gaia, has been channeling now for decades, bringing through benevolent, uplifting, accurate channelings in a waking state that, for me, surpass many of the channelings I've heard from trans state channelers, so aligned to always access the highest possible truth in any one moment. Jeeva Ann has been an oracle and a channel since she first incarnated as the Delphic Oracle within Gaia, the first Delphic Oracle. So I invite you to enjoy this channel journey where the dragon consciousness that we're contacting here brings through what I would call the gift of stability in times of structural change. Jeevaran has been opening to the realm. This is an archetype in our planetary blueprint, our planetary dimensions, and it's an archetype within our human blueprint too. Our human dimensions currently is speaking through Jeevaran. In these channelings and this is the first one in a little series we're going to bring to you they bring powerful support and if we say yes, we can open to the support they want to bring through for us.

Speaker 1:

These dragons call themselves masters of planetary structure. Now, at a time when structures are collapsing, renewing and new ones are emerging In our world, there can be great chaos, there can be a feeling of instability, there can be a feeling of uncertainty and certainty, and yet there's also an opportunity for phenomenal phenomenal new creations, creations that break all the boundaries of previous limitations, can come through in a time of great chaos. What the dragon kind consciousness, channeled through this that you're about to hear, is offering right now is support as we bring the creations that come from the truth of who we are into form and take shape in our lives, in our world. So listen from your heart, take from it what's for you, let the frequencies land and say yes to the assistance, the support that's being offered from these benevolent guiding consciousnesses. Essentially, this is a dimension of consciousness within our own selves, within our own planet.

Speaker 2:

Enjoy we are dragon kind. We are dragon kind. We are here for you, with you. We wish to assist you.

Speaker 2:

There is much changing in your structures, both your personal, human structures and your planetary structures. There is much changing. We wish to be of service, to assist, bringing to your awareness new geometries, both personal and planetary, which will help you to stabilize you through these turbulent times. We are holding the new network, we are channeling it to you, bringing it to you structures, new frequencies within your fields arriving within your greater planetary hole continuously. At this time, we are able to assist in mitigating the impact of these frequencies upon your physicality, so that you may go about your daily lives. You have a structure that keeps you stable.

Speaker 2:

We wish to bring to your awareness that the new stability structures are becoming available to you, and it is that you give permission for transition from the old structure to the new structure. Being fluid within your daily structures will assist you in this move, this transition, with more ease and grace than you may perhaps have been experiencing. Although we are masters of planetary structures, we are also able to assist with personal structures, for they are undergoing the same transformation. Us permission to assist you as individuals, as humans, with the new energetic structures that are arriving with you, enabling you to make this transition more smoothly, to hold your stability, for in you, holding your individual stability enables all stability to be held, particularly around those who are experiencing instability and, we could say, much chaos. We thank you for receiving the message. We ask that you broadcast this message to all ears who wish to hear. We are Dragonkind, we have spoken, thank you.