Our Divine Human Blueprint

A Journey to the Heart of Earth’s Secrets - innerearth beings - story & 7min meditation

Lucy - Infinity Resonance

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Imagine a world where humanity coexists with these future beings of the inner earth, who stayed behind while we went up to the surface. And who have been there holding stability all this while, as we find our way back to harmony with Gaia. 

Ever wondered about the ancient dance between storms and Gaia? Join us in this dive into inner earth, as we share a vivid tale of watching nature's power unleashed from the safety of our home. Experience the wonder alongside myself and GevaAnn and explore the mystical connections that storms awaken within.

With lightning and thunder as our backdrop, we'll transport you to a realm where ancestral voices whisper through the gale, and the playful presence of thunder gods can be felt in every rumble. Allow yourself to be captivated by a moment of unexpected calm, where the visions appear, of lightning birthing spring and bringing forth the underground waters in the mighty Mother Mountain and her energy channels. Offering a profound sense of connection to both earth, primal creation and the inner earth beings.

We'll reflect on the serene beauty of Gaia's natural state and guide you through a short meditative practice designed to root you in interconnectedness. 

This is your invitation to embrace the magic of this little story and to feel the embrace of the world around you, fostering a sense of being truly held and whole.

Lucy Hunter is an oracle for the human blueprint, showing people how to work with theirs to heal and transform core patterns and scripts and align with their signature and soul purpose.

Lucy has been reading and coaching with the blueprint-Akash for 16 years, supporting empaths and the energy aware to embody their gifts and abilities, reclaim their energy sovereignt

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Join the Oracle's Circle events live. Channeled journeys into sacred realms, Opening the akash of your human blueprint to explore yourself as a divine, multidimensional human in connectedness within, with all life, with all that is. For aligning with the Self beyond the stories.

Or contact Lucy for a free chat about one-on-one session support on your path

About Lucy Hunter - She's a channel and Oracle for the Akash of Human Blueprint, working to help others access their inner oracle, align with their signature blueprint and be guided from within - to live their truth and embody sovereignty as master cocreators of their own reality. Her passion is the naturalization of the divine multidimensional human and through sessions and channeled online events she works supporting others on their path of mastery in self-awareness, to access more of their gifts and natural energy awareness.

Speaker 1:

So I really want to tell you about this story. We had a storm the other night and it was a good one. I don't know about you. Everyone's different with storms. Me, I love them. I have to go out into them. These days I prefer to stay warm and dry. So we had this storm brewing and I'm seeing it coming from miles and miles away. You can see in all directions where I live. You can see across the mountains away. You can see in all directions where I live, you can see across the mountains.

Speaker 1:

So I've been out, I've got my shopping and I'm looking at the storm, just thinking I hope I get home in time so I can stay warm and dry and watch it from my window. It's what we did a few days ago. The cat and I were at the window. There was a fantastic storm. This time it was in the north and the cat and I were in the window and our heads were moving in unison watching the lightning in different parts of the sky, because a good storm here will gather and it'll gather from all directions and we're in a kind of bowl. So there's hills all around us and from horizon to horizon. In a really good storm it will feel like the lightning is coming from east, west, north and south. This one was coming and where the storm the other day had been in the north, over the Father Mountain, this storm was gathering in the south.

Speaker 1:

So I'm standing on my balcony and above me is another balcony keeping me dry, and all around me there is this downpour. Water is just streaming in all directions in the road below me, pooling and water rivulets are running in the road and there's just this kind of it's like I'm at the back of a waterfall, stood on my balcony. It is thundering down with rain and it's thundering down with thunder and I've just got this little view. I've got this gap between the houses and I can see over the rooftops opposite me and I know that I'm directly opposite the Lucha, which we call the Mother Mountain here, and the storm helpfully gathers and pulses and lightnings right in the gap between the buildings and right in the gap I've got in my view. So I get to watch these pulses, these forks of lightning and it's fantastic. It's just gathering and gathering, like every few moments there's a pulse, there's some lightning and thunder does what thunder does and it's rumbling around and it's banging and it's crashing, and then one moment and I'm on the phone to my friend, jeeva Ran, here and one moment, instead of doing what thunder does, thunder does something really different, really odd, and it thunders across the sky from east to west, exactly like somebody thundering across heavy, across loose floorboards with heavy footsteps. And I start laughing because part of me is getting a very clear image here of a giant thunder god thundering playfully across the sky and I'm giggling and my and my friend says well, what are you laughing at? Says Jeeva Ran, and I tell her and she just smiles and says thunder gods. And it's funny. She says that because I've been on the phone with her and the thunder gods have appeared before now. This always happens when I'm with her.

Speaker 1:

I remember we were having a conversation once. I was on my terrace and again I've only got this little gap, in my view, to look at the sky there and I was appreciating a really good storm and, as I do, I tend to in my heart thank the elements and appreciate them in a general celebratory manner. I love storms Sister and I are the same and this face formed and it had features and it peered down exactly as though it was kind of looming out of the sky and it was exactly as though it was looking at me and I'd said to Jeeva Ran at that time and she said, yeah, it's the thunder gods. So we're here and the thunder gods are thundering across the sky and I'm stood on my balcony and just for a moment I have this strange flash and it's like I'm not Lucy anymore. I'm this old man, weathered and standing in overalls on the deck of a ship, undercover, warm and dry, but in the elements, watching the lightning, appreciating the rain, with the rolling seas and the prow of the boat. And I just know that this is not me. This is one of my ancestors and a memory the storm is triggering a memory to open in the Akash of my blood. You know, it's like the memory is carried through from my ancestry, it's in my DNA. I'm the swan hunter family, they're a shipbuilding family and it's back in my histories.

Speaker 1:

So I just have this little moment and then I'm back. I mean, we're back watching the storm and I'm enjoying it and just wondering all this. There's just this moment where I mean the storms are going for hours. Right, it's been gathering for hours, going for hours. The lightning's been pulsing every few seconds. It's a real corker, it's fantastic.

Speaker 1:

And then suddenly it stops and not we just get this silence. And it's not the silence you get when you know a storm blows itself out. It's not the silence you get when a storm wanders off to you know, over the ocean or to another part of the mountains, and it's not the silence you get when you're just it slows down and you're kind of waiting for the next lightning bolt. It's just stopped. It's an odd silence, a flat silence, not one that belongs in the middle of a storm. And I just find myself asking because it was really odd quality of silence I found myself asking where's the storm gone? And as I asked the question, I suddenly get granted this vision and I see the mother mountain and within it, all the way down the centre in the crevasse. This channel opens up this energy channel and it's just like a very, very, very long channel with a bowl at the bottom, just like a thermometer shape, and inside the channel I'm shown the lightning pulsing and flashing all the way down into that bowl at the bottom, like the lightning has gone into the mountain.

Speaker 1:

Now, I love storms because they connect me to creation energy. You know they say that when there's a good thunderstorm, the earth is changing and I love them and my sister loves them, because they connect me to something timeless, you know, before time began, when the earth was creating herself, and it's got that same charge and excitement and it's primal. I love it. So that's why I'm out on the balcony in spite of the cold and I say to Jeeva Ran you know, a storm's gone inside the mountain. She says yes, yes, it has.

Speaker 1:

And I know when Jeeva Ran says that she's checked, jeeva Ran has got to be the most aligned oracle. I know she spent lifetimes always dedicated to channeling the highest truth in any situation. She's an open channel. She accesses omnidimensional, omnidirectional, in any situation, for anyone. As long as you ask her the right question and you're aligned for truth, she will give you the highest truth available in that moment. So I trust her absolutely because I've known her for many, many years and we've worked together.

Speaker 1:

So I know when she says that she's looked and she's checked and she's triple checked and that's what she's getting and I'm doing the same and it's like we are really seeing this, aren't we? Okay, so the storm has gone into the mountain? Okay, so we carry on talking and then, after a while, I'm doing the same and it's like we are really seeing this, aren't we? Okay, so the storm has gone into the mountain. Okay, so we carry on talking. And then, after a while, I'm thinking well, where is it? Is it coming back out?

Speaker 1:

And just as I asked the question, I'm given another vision and this time, what I see? This beautiful channel that opens up inside the mountain is edged with misty, golden light, and inside it is this bright, vivid, spring green, and this bright, beautiful sky, blue, the blue of a spring sky, and these energies are mixing and moving and swirling and pulsing together. And I'm just, I say to her look, why am I seeing spring in the mountain? What is this? I'm enchanted. I feel like I'm being gifted a glimpse into something truly magical and profound and beautiful and simple, something very natural, something that just is. But it's just, at the same time, it's so magical. And she says, well, yes, that's what's being seeded here now.

Speaker 1:

And as I carry on looking at the bottom of that bowl, in the heart of the mountain, there are these three rivers open up, leading downwards even deeper inside the earth, and I just I want to know what I'm seeing and I'm asking where do they go? Where do these rivers go? Because I'm being shown them for a reason right, and one of them is shown coming out of the dragon spring, that's a spring at the bottom of the mountain here. And then another one is shown going under the Guadalfeo, which is the river at the bottom of the mountain that runs past. And then another one is going somewhere even deeper down into the earth and it's complicated. I can't make sense of it and with my curiosity I'm following it and just for a moment I'm following it and just for a moment I catch this glimpse and it's this beautiful round face right deep down in the earth, under the mountain in there, and it looks and I get the words child of the mountain. It looks like an upturned face turning towards the mother drinking from the water. And I am just enthralled. I feel like I've been. There's something very precious about what I've just been shown. I feel like I've just been granted a glimpse of something truly magical and beautiful and, yes, precious. And of course I'm asking in my heart, I'm asking who You've shown me this, who? Who are these beings? Not this person, but who are these beings? And the words inner earth, inner earth are coming and I think, oh, is that just my mind? You know, because we know inner earth is a thing, and I check and I know no, this is, this is inner earth. We're showing you inner earth beings. Who are they? And what I hear are these are the beings who will follow on from humanity when the time comes. And we're talking way into the future and it's time for a new race upon the earth. And I am just part of me smiles inside.

Speaker 1:

I remember a channeling from years ago where some beautiful being was speaking about how Gaia had brought the size of her trees and leaves and plants and animals into detail, a smaller detail to match with the size of human form on the planet, in this shape that we're taking for this cycle on the planet, in this shape that we're taking for this cycle, and um, and that naturally, her leaves and trees would be bigger. And I'm sure there's something in myself and I've others I've spoken about with this, who you do. Have you ever had that sense that trees naturally would be huge and I'm not talking sequoia huge, I'm talking like, like, massive and that if Gaia relaxed, her leaves would grow bigger and her trees would grow bigger and her animals would be bigger. Anyway, this was the sense. It was making me smile.

Speaker 1:

I was playing with this, this thought, and I say to Jeeva Ran about what I've just been shown and I use the wrong word I say this is the race that will replace humanity. And she corrects me, she says no, no, no, no, no, they're not going to replace us. She says they'll join us. And she says when we went up on the surface, they stayed behind in the earth. They stayed behind in the earth, they were holding something. So I asked what would they be holding? And the answer came stability. And I thought well, yes, gosh, because we were going to rock the planet eventually, weren't we? Here we are doing just that, with our disconnection and so on and so forth, and here we are, remembering the song inside ourselves and remembering the song inside the planet and coming home. But, sure enough, before our homecoming, we were going to rock the planet and there they were holding stability.

Speaker 1:

Now, when I shared this story with another oracle, she just melted and smiled and she just, in a face of absolute bliss, she said family, home. And I thought my word. I have been shown something so special. I feel so grateful I mean so amazingly grateful that during the storm, this was what I was lucky enough to see. I yeah, and I just wonder you know, and I just wonder you know if they stay behind and we went up onto the surface. What more is there to remember and can I open that memory in me?

Speaker 1:

So let's dive in, take a moment now just to meditate just a few moments. So breathe easy, relax just a little and make the intention now to turn the outward facing eyes inwards, to drop the seat of seeing into the heart and center, now, now To notice the physical sensations in the center of the chest. You know it's here, even if you can't feel it or hear it. Notice the way the breath moves in the body, the flow, not just inflating the lungs but flowing, the rise, the fall, the lift, the drop. And come to rest here in the heart, here in the heart, noticing all these things. Let attention drop down now, down through the base of the spine, down down past the bottom of the feet, down into the earth. Let it keep dropping down, as though right now, whatever this means, you are letting yourself rest down in the deeps, in the heart of Gaia, and her arms are gently holding you so that, here, resting, you relax.

Speaker 1:

Nothing is needed of you in this now moment.

Speaker 1:

Let your body feel it. Even if the mind is alive with words and thoughts, your body knows it's home, your heartbeat held in her heartbeat and still resting, you can gently let your senses open in all directions. Here, in this deep place, you can imagine that your eyes are opening all directions. You don't need to see anything, nothing needs to come. You're gonna rest here in the heartbeat. Let your ears, your inner ears, open to sound in all directions, no need for any to come, nothing to notice, and let your senses, your feeling senses, all your senses, open now in all directions. And then rest Every cell in you, relaxed and yet humming with a song of her. You are held and you are whole. Let yourself surface in your own time, easily gently Coming home to rest in this body, with this breath, in this space. You're in now, taking it in, with the eyes closed if you can, feeling your heartbeat and just keep a little of you on the inside now, noticing how you feel in your heart and center as the eyes begin to open.