Our Divine Human Blueprint
Channelings, Meditations, Activations & simple ways to work with our divine human blueprint, to bring us into alignment, open us to our inner guidance and transform our energy alchemy. For access to more channeled gifts, energy updates, meditations, live members events and more, visit the website https://infinityresonance.com/
Our Divine Human Blueprint
Intention Setting with the Pleiadians - 1hr journey crystal encodements in the akash of our blueprints
It's all about shifting focus from healing to creating.
Here's a structured, channeled journey where the Pleiadian guides of unconditionally loving integrity, through our Higher Selves, work with us to encode our blueprints with the highest creative intentions in our hearts.
Channeled Intention Setting
with the Pleiadians, our Higher Selves and our personal guides
About the journey…
The guides took us on a channeled journey to set our intentions for the year ahead…
In a no pressure, heart-centered way, where we don't have to worry about figuring out all out in our minds if we haven't.
This intention setting sets our heart's creation desires in a crystal, which then encodes the Akash of our human blueprint with our creation intentions for the year ahead.
We are then supported to open to the resources for what our hearts are calling to create.
The guides are our cocreation teams in consciousness. Benevolent beings of unconditionally loving integrity who work with us and will continue to throughout the year. Helping is fulfil these intentions in the most graceful way possible.
Their message at the beginning of full of love, encouragement and a no nonsense catalysing of the release of limitations.
They say the year ahead is going to call for us to be using more of our light to create greater, clearer, expansive realities for ourselves.
We'll look at why that's going to be important with more channeled messages on the year ahead to follow.
For now, I hope you enjoy this assisted intention setting.
Much love,
Lucy Hunter is an oracle for the human blueprint, showing people how to work with theirs to heal and transform core patterns and scripts and align with their signature and soul purpose.
Lucy has been reading and coaching with the blueprint-Akash for 16 years, supporting empaths and the energy aware to embody their gifts and abilities, reclaim their energy sovereignt
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Or contact Lucy for a free chat about one-on-one session support on your path
About Lucy Hunter - She's a channel and Oracle for the Akash of Human Blueprint, to help others access their inner oracle, align with their signature blueprint, to be guided from within. Her passion is the naturalization of the divine multidimensional human and through sessions and channeled online events she works supporting others on their path of sovereingty in self-awareness, to access more of their gifts and natural energy awareness.
already, and um, they're making my heart almost palpitate, so no wonder there was excitement. All right, nārāt ānda hēṣā āndyāḥat kukumbayīn nārāt āhmārāt āhāi Unjāna nāmaḥāshēri āndarēt kukumbayīn nārāt āhmārāt āhāshēt Āi mahārāt āhmārāt āhmārāt āhmārāt, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen, welcome, beloved. We are so delighted to be here. You have no idea what a joy it is. We ask you to simply feel in your hearts Our connection in this moment as we begin. Feel in your hearts and breathe so your hearts may feel even more of the love frequencies and be expanded with them. They're showing me just showers of crystalline light cascading into this field that we're holding together. Wishing you Mahanyeh, let your hearts be cleansed of some of the heaviness you gathered in the here gone by, for it is no longer for you to hold, no longer. We will clear it loves, we will cleanse it. We will take from you what is no longer for your dear hearts to hold, but your hearts are meant for other things. This year, indeed, there is a soaring to greater heights. Your intentions hold this dedication To soaring to the greater heights of your own intentions, your own fulfilled purpose.
Speaker 1:Each of you are here with a purpose. You may not know it, in your thoughts, in your mind, it may not have delivered to you the details, the schedule, the plan, and yet you vibrate with the very essence of the purpose you are here for. Some of your purpose is too abstract to be named in a way you could possibly understand, and this feeble, worrying, that you insist upon that, whether you are fulfilling what you're here to do or who you're here to be, this is one of the things we ask you to release, and we do call it feeble because it does not honour you. You are not feeble. Insecurity is a feeble frequency. We ask you to drop it. Simply make the intention and it will be so. Let's do this now, shall we? I hereby drop the feeble frequency of insecurity about whether I am who I am meant to be or doing what I am meant to be doing. Let's drop that now. Do you drop the insecurity that you are enough in this moment? Ask your heart and give it time to breathe into this feelingly and let your thoughts arrive naturally, and you will see where you're at and what you want to release around this now. Do I trust that in this moment, I am enough in who I am for this moment. Good. Now try replacing it with this I am enough in this moment, for this moment. Three times inwardly, with strength, good. We see each of you stand firm in this. Even with the wobbles of doubt about whether you are standing firm in this, we see that you are. I am enough in this moment, for this moment. Let this change your posture, breathe with it little. Let your head and shoulders sit back, if you will, as they comfortably can Move your neck, maybe from side to side. Loosen up this chest, these shoulders, this neck, this jawline, exposing your throat.
Speaker 1:And we use those words with precision, with meaning. You are among friends. We have put you here and made it so. You are among friends, finally, to create and to be heard. That does not mean you have to shout, but it does mean that another level of the silences are coming out of your energetic field right now. You have risen above the nonsense of obscured and hidden, creative, creating and expression. Creating and expression. We say again you have risen above the non-sense of a hidden, obscured, which literally means keeping in the shadow, creating and expressing. We ask your hearts to breathe now into fearlessness. We use those words because it will find the harmonics of fear that is still vibrating there, about being heard, about not being hidden, about not being hidden. We ask your hearts to breathe into the fearlessness of being seen and being heard. Let it all vibrate, however it is right now. This is part of the clearing process we spoke of at the beginning. Whatever wants to show is totally welcome. Make it so. Hopefully, hear them speaking to each of us in turn about our own personal. Hmm, thank you. You have risen above.
Speaker 1:There is nothing you need hold on to around this any longer, to that issue yet, and now invite those frightened parts of you that were hiding their creating, hiding their speaking, to notice now the truth, vibrationally, of where you are in this moment. Are you safe right now, in this moment? Do you feel safe here now, in this moment? If the answer is no, let the frequencies come. There's no wrong or right answer here. Do I feel safe in this moment, here now? Keep asking at intervals. Perhaps you feel vibrations or perhaps you feel peace. And now find the part of you that you're not fully seeing, the one that feels strangely tight or uncomfortable, that note that's out of place in you right now. Bring your loving attention to any part of you that you feel might be hiding from this work we're doing in this moment.
Speaker 1:I am the one who has the power to do this. I am the one who has the power to do this. I am the one who has the power to do this. I am the one who has the power to do this. I am the one who has the power to do this. Adi Nenye Haram Darash Deyetet. Adi Nenye Haram Darash Deyetet. Adi Nenye Haram Darash Deyetet. Adi Nenye Haram Darash Deyetet. Adi Nenye Haram Darash Deyetet. Adi Nenye Haram Darash Deyetet. Adi Nenye Haram Darash Deyetet. Adi Nenye Haram Darash Deyetet Adi Nenye Haram.
Speaker 1:And now we invite you to make the intention that any mechanisms left still operating in your energy fields, in your subtle bodies, obscuring, hiding your voice or your creating, can be released now, even those that are hidden from you. I am safe here now to speak and to be heard, to create freely, as I am inspired to do. Use your own words here. Do you understand the message? I am safe to follow my inspiration. I allow the flow of creation. I am safe to follow my inspiration, to inspire, to take in the breath that comes from the all that is and flows through you, turning into action, activity, turning into thoughts and ideas, turning into feelings and inclinations, turning into impulses to act.
Speaker 1:Inspiration Breathing it's breathing.
Speaker 1:Creating is breathing.
Speaker 1:Breathing means you are creating. The two cannot be separate. If you're alive, if you exist, you are creating. All you're doing is bringing your creating into alignment, calling it back. This is a soul retrieval. You're calling your own creating back from those places where it's got stuck, where it's been hidden, where it learnt to curl up in a ball and hide in the dark, where it stayed underground, where it shut a ball and hide in the dark where it stayed underground, where it shut the door and blocked out the light. All those parts of you don't belong here now, in this moment, not in the you you are now, and you know what those parts of you loves. They hold some of your greatest gifts, your biggest challenges in this life, and others are connected so often to your greatest gifts, your brightest jewels, the most beautiful things hidden inside the truth of who you are. So you call them back.
Speaker 1:That's what we're doing here today, because in the year ahead, in the year to come, you are going to be supported, not just safe to create, supported in your creating more than ever before. That's what's available and so we don't want do we, any of those any more parts than necessary, lost and alone in dark corners of the soul. Why not gather as much of you as possible into this beautiful alchemy of the year ahead, where one of the themes, one of the major themes, is being supported not just safe supported in fulfilling even more of your purpose through creation. Not through problem solving, not through fixing the parts of yourself that you don't like, not through inner process work and addressing the problems you feel are in the way of you being the perfect person supported, supported in fulfilling your purpose through creation. This means focusing on what you want to do, not what you need to fix. It's very important we get this across because we want you, we want to see you making the most of what's available. These incoming energies are here to support your creating.
Speaker 1:Now, what does that mean? Well, it means everything, all of everything in existence, is here to support you, the inheritors of the creative principle of God. Goddess, all that is While you are here, or should we say more accurately, everything in your existence, is here to support your creating, is here to respond to your creative directive. That means what you're telling reality to do. Reality will do what you're telling it to do all the time. You know this. It is written into your awareness at some level, and the largest instruction you can give reality is all based on your focus, your intention and your desires. What are you focused on right now? Loves, take a moment to reflect on this. When it comes to life and creating your future, your year ahead, what are you focused on right now? Where is your attention? Thank you, take your time, thank you. You all have different spokes to the wheel of who you are, so give time and attention to these different areas.
Speaker 1:No-transcript. So you have gathered. Yes, don't worry if not. Everything is consciously in your mind. You have it. It's in your heart.
Speaker 1:Now we suggest, because this is how we see it, that you imagine you're holding in your hands right now a crystal, a large crystal, a faceted jewel or a ball, and in this crystal are the intentions that you have just gathered and those your heart knows, but your mind isn't clear on yet. And you put those in this crystal, where they are guarded and safe and this is a quantum crystal. They have infinite space to grow in there. You are not trapping them or containing them. You are simply guarding them and keeping them. Vegua, and just like the heart pumps blood around the body, regulates the circulation of all the energies in your bio system, when you bring this crystal of your dreams and intentions into your heart, your heart sees that they flow, they are circulated, they are popped around your system. They become part of you, your field, your world, your reality, your body. They are written in for the coding of your creating for the year ahead and perhaps beyond.
Speaker 1:Yes, now relax when you naturally feel. Do you just relax? Now, this is what humans do at this time of year, is it not Intention setting? Yes, there's a reason for that. It's because all of the energies support the fulfillment of your creative intentions at the beginning of a cycle, and humans have decided that the calendar year is a cycle, and so it is. So, whatever you feel, it is quite a close match for a rhythm in the heart of midwinter, the rhythm of the light being born in the dark. This is the beautiful dark, the warm dark, the arms of sleep, the sleep of the year, the sleep of the earth and the plants, the sleep of you and your rhythms and patterns, where you harvest your creating from the year gone by. You sleep to integrate all you've received and taken in. And there's a moment in this cycle of sleep, the dark of the winter, the night of the year there's a moment that arises, no-transcript, as it grows, it nourishes your dreams, your focus, your intentions and the seed no-transcript that are now part of your heart, your body, your being, your reality and your brain.
Speaker 1:Now, listen, loves for any part of you. That's how shall we say, protesting. And don't fear that protest, love that it's showing up. Any pain, any feeling of flatness, anything hiding, bring your attention. You're not trying to fix it, you are loving it, any part of you protesting of what is being nourished now. You are loving it and breathing out beyond it, into the expansion that is and will continue to dissolve everything in the way. As always, we suggest you allow your body to soften a little so you can listen for those subtle movements that will help you move with the energy movements.
Speaker 1:Pappashinyama, pappashinyama, omaha. Well, thank you. You are beautiful, never more so than when you are fully embracing the light, breath, breath In all its uniqueness, that each of you are, for we are witnessing God's creation, made manifest In myriad shapes, all choosing their own destiny, walking in the light that they are of the illumination, the inner guidance, forever lighting their way, revealing their path. That light that lights your path comes from within. You are illumined from within Never more brilliantly than when you let go and allow the. I am that you are to show you the way. Thank you, thank you. Thank you for bringing your heart, song and your intentions to this year's collective human co-creations within the planet.
Speaker 1:Your light is exquisitely beautiful. Your harmonies Are lifted and have a lifting Quality Capacity, affecting those around you. You, in turn, are allowing yourselves to be lifted by others, and this is how we all ascend the fabric of oneness weaving itself into wholeness in the third dimension, in the third dimension, allowing them To come home, calling home the pattern of creating. Eventually, this dimension of yours will dissolve, but you are in the reweaving oneness calling itself home, and you are brave warriors at the edge of the light, surfing the tide as it turns. Each of you are held in love, cupped in the hand of God. God has all that is. So your surfing is in safety. You are no longer in the abyss, you are not falling. You've left the deeps of emptiness and let us say you are where the warm rays Of the sun Can now reach you.
Speaker 1:While some of you hold the hollowness that you haven't fully left behind, you are not living in it. It is leaving you, for you are the resonant holders, the keepers of frequency, and that frequency is your own pure note, the signature song within Loves. We bid you adieu and we'll watch over you, will watch over you, guarding, protecting, steering, guiding, advising and helping, assisting as much as you let us, as much as you allow us to. And who are we, you ask? The agents of love Of one consciousness in many myriad, infinite forms, infinite individuations, infinite aspects. We are the arm of one love, wholeness itself, reaching you everywhere, for everything is consciousness, everything has a voice, and when you listen in your heart, that voice is love and may reach you as such. We are the lullaby singing you home. But you, my love, you are the song. All we ever do is sing back to you the song that you are, and you are the song of all that is Currently coming home after a rather long journey, you might say so, travellers, rise to your weary head and know that, deep in your heart and flowing through your veins, your soul and your realities are the focus of your creative intentions that you coded into that crystal today, that you coded into that crystal today, and they are being nourished and supported by the light of the sun, ever growing from this moment, always, until next year, until it is time to harvest what has grown Once again, rest, release, go into the beautiful sleep of winter, the dark night of the year.
Speaker 1:Well, that was a journey principally brought to us by the Pleiadians, through our higher selves as agents of the. I am that we all are with love. Yeah, thank you, thank you to you, thank you to them, thank you to all of us. Thank you, thank you. So I'm just going to invite us, as we're coming back into the room, to send a little piece of ourselves down through our feet, down into the heart of the body. We are here, present In the room, in the space, in the space he stops.